Saturday, December 28, 2013


Well, look at that. We've got a single topic for this one.

Yesterday, I had the most amazing time with friends and family, at my going away party before my trip. (For those who were there, add the word "party" to my list of pet peeves.) I spent the entire day with a bunch of incredible people, and really felt so filled afterwards, I cannot express it in words. On top of that, I must have missed the memo that said, "donate to Levi's trip on this day", because when I went through all the letters of encouragement (which I loved immensely) and my YouCaring fundraiser, I had received a whopping sum, and I am SOOO close to my goal. I may have even reached it, we'll find out when I get an update on much has been sent directly to YWAM. This ridiculously awesome combination of friends, family, and support through prayer and finances make me think of God's provision. So, let's get into it, shall we?

I'd only ever heard of it, and never truly seen and appreciated it how distinct and out of my control it is until this trip. When you pray to God, you are praying to a person, a person who thinks and has a personality and is so very real, though you can't see Him with your eyes. I believed all of this, of course, but I'm that person who looks at myself and forgets how forgiving and loving God is, thinking, "Yes, I'll ask for help, but why would he listen?" Because, let's face it, I wouldn't pick me.

But the choosing isn't up to me. This trip is only happening because God Almighty loved me and provided for what I was doing despite how I feel about myself. He heard my prayer, and moved through his Church to make it happen. To be given so much, and so quickly, took me by surprise, and just goes to show God can do whatever he wants. He has that power. But then, such provision isn't just in the immediate, big things, it's in all of life.

I have parents who love me. I have three awesome sisters. I have a host of friends that I count as family. I've a home to live in. I've food to eat. I'm fit and healthy. I have shoes to wear. I have been taught a ton of cool, stuff. I have arms and legs. The list is endless. But, even if I had none of these things, I would still be provided for. Jesus Christ, God SHOWING us how much he loved us, provides for me for eternity. He is all I need, all anyone needs, from the poorest of the poor to the richest of the rich. If you have nothing but him, you have everything.

And so, I thank the Lord for loving me, for saving me, and the cherry on top, for blessing me with so much here on Earth. I thank him for the people around me, for those who have supported me and pray for me. I thank him for Christ, and I would ask you to do the same.

Matthew 6:26 ~ "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

Thursday, December 19, 2013

And so It Begins

I never thought I'd have a blog. So, I really have no idea what it's supposed to be like. Or how long I'll keep it. Or what I'll write about. Will it just be about life in general? Or is it to be strictly for missions? Hmm...

Either way, I suppose I'll start with the title, "A Serendipitous Adventure". Serendipity has come to be one of my favorite words, for two reasons. Firstly, it sounds neat, and I like the spelling. Secondly, it carries an interesting definition: "The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way." Basically, a serendipity is a "happy accident". While that's cool and all, it's my faith in the Gospel of Jesus that adds some depth to the word. Romans 8:28 tells us "...all things work together for the good of those who love [God]." If that's the case (I do believe in the authority of Scripture), then all of my life is a serendipity, for in the end, I will be with my Maker. Pretty stoked about that, I must say.

Since I brought up missions, I suppose we'll go there.

To sum it up for those who don't know, I'm leaving for the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) base in Kona, Hawaii, on the second of January. Good golly, that came quick. I'll be there for the lecture phase of my specific Discipleship Training School (DTS), called YWAM Ships, until mid-March. The focus of this DTS is to go places only ships can go, to share the gospel and minister to the people there. After learning how to do that during the lecture phase (this includes all things sailing, as we will be the crew of our own ship), we'll be headed out for a 2 1/2 month outreach phase. I'm generally not a very excitable person, but I'm definitely excited for this.

Anyway, back to my departure date. It's got me nervous. Like a wall I'm going to smack into. Except, it's an exciting wall. And I'll break through it in an explosion of glory.

I'm actually probably just going to sit in my seat on the plane and munch on some peanuts. But it might be glorious. Aim high.

Until then, it's dealing with what I can at home, and being with the people I care about. Oh, and my constant push to get the money together to pay off the outreach phase. Speaking of which, I'll do a bit of shameless advertising here, and add the link to my YouCaring campaign:

So how does one end a blog post? Should I come up with a clever salutation that is somehow relevant to the title of the blog?

Onward! To serendipity!