Friday, February 7, 2014

Whatever Comes to Mind

Well, I suppose it's about time I check in this week. But, I don't exactly have anything of particular importance to talk about, so I guess I'll just type up whatever comes to mind.

The second of February marked the first full month of my being here. It's been the slowest fastest month ever. There's always so much packed into a day, but a week goes by in a flash, and you've scarce got time to catch your breath and gear up for the next. It's all fantastic, mind you, but it's taught me something I'd wondered about myself: I love being alone sometimes. I'd always thought of myself as a pretty social guy, always ready for the next group thing or conversation, and that my "quiet place" could just be in my head. A lot of analytical, uninterrupted, fearless thoughts on everything and everyone goes on in there. But I'm learning just how healthy time alone somewhere is, both to keep a good attitude and focus through the day, and to maintain depth of connection with God. He's a person too.

Speaking of people, I'm really quite impressed with those in my DTS, including the staff. I have heard multiple times that the students here this time around are just a different, solid group, and I think I agree. Perhaps it's just something that's said every quarter (I'm a wee bit cynical, in case you didn't know), but perhaps it's not. I just get the feeling that this very unique bunch of people is bound for something very important, not just as outreach teams, but as individuals as well.

Which reminds me of my ridiculous urge to do something completely trivial. My inner nerd has been trying REALLY hard to break out these past two weeks. Seriously. All my daydreamings are of The Legend of Zelda, Tamriel, places to visit in Middle Earth, zombie survival plans, what the world would be like if we were still back with swords and bows and horses, alien invasions, the works. Even the time-consuming void that is Minecraft has made it into my imagination. (Don't worry, Rachel. I count Minecraft with you as time well spent.) Keep your head in the game, Levi. Or is it out of the resolve weakens further.

And now that I've thought of resolve, I must say, it's frustrating how I've let myself slip regarding exercise. Lack of time (or poor prioritization, not sure which) makes it difficult, but I'll have to change something. Perhaps the horrible agony of waking up early is necessary. Another thing I've found very difficult is finding time to write letters and emails. It's totally new to me to have to write my family for their birthdays rather than be there in person, so I'm still learning how to do that.

Ah, I'd almost forgotten to share about my outreach location. Basically, the DTS as a whole gets split into outreach teams, all going to a different location. To make things "blog official", I'll be going to Panama, to the Bocas Del Toro area. I hesitate to say officially what we'll be doing, because everything is always subject to change until it actually happens, but I've got an idea. Being the first team into this new location, we're basically the recon. My team and I are looking at going out through the jungle to find indigenous villages, totally off the grid and unrecognized by the government, so that we can map the location, as well as find out information like leadership, health concerns, etc. This will provide the information needed for any future teams to minister effectively (which I just might be able to be a part of). This is adventure, folks, and I'm very much looking forward to it.

I suppose the last thing I have to share is the classroom topic this week. The focus has been biblical study, and we went through the book of Philemon. We were shown methods of simply observing scripture, and how to keep from any preconceived notions. It was amazingly empowering to learn how to know my God's word, to know how to come to understand characters and customs and context. There is a heck of a lot more in Philemon than you see in a single read, and my thoughts on it completely changed.

And that's what I've got. I'm excited to see what God might have for me next here, in this "spiritual greenhouse", as I've heard it called.

Onward, to serendipity.


  1. Levi,

    That is pretty exciting. Your dad told me a bit about going to Panama at church tonight. I've got some coworkers in central Panama at a new mine there. I'm praying for your safety and success.

    Nate Edmondson

  2. I say let your inner nerd out! And yes, space and time to be alone are totally necessary even for the most extroverted of us extroverts. I loved your line about God being a person too. Hope you have a great week coming up. We are expecting a little more snow here in the Sunny South. Much different than what you have there I'm sure!
